Registry and Licencing


Tourism Accommodation Licencing

The Tourist Accommodation Act 1984 (NI) remains in force on Norfolk Island. The Act applies to all tourist accommodation properties who provide short term accommodation for visitors to the island. In the Act short term is defined as being less than 21 days.

ProAm golf club

Owners of tourist accommodation properties providing short term accommodation must be registered under the Act; penalties may apply for those not registered.

There is one Authorised Officers appointed under Act, Katie Walden. Katie can be contacted by:

Norfolk Island Regional Council
PO Box 95

In Person:
Katie - Registry Office, located at BiCentennial Complex 39 Taylors Rd Burnt Pine
Katie 6723 22001


Tourism Accommodation Licensing

Registered Tourist Accommodation Properties Updated for website(PDF, 276KB)

Accommodation Forms

Liquor Licencing

Liquor Licencing on Norfolk Island is managed and administered by the Liquor Act 2005 (NI), Katie Walden is currently the Registrar of Liquor Licences and is located in the Registry Office at BiCentennial Complex, Taylors Rd, Burnt Pine.

Establishments serving liquor are required to register annually by 30 June; the fees payable to register for a liquor licence can be found in Councils Operational Plan.

Businesses wishing to register for the first time to serve alcohol on their premises should make contact with the Registrar in the first instance; Katie can be contacted directly on telephone 6723 22001 ext 126. Alternatively, Customer Care is available to answer general enquiries and can be contacted on local free call 0100 or, 672 3 22244 or, by email.

For more information relating to liquor licencing on Norfolk Island please refer to the documents attached to this page.

Liquor Licencing

Liquor Licencing Forms


The Registry of Lands, Births, Deaths and Marriages Department is responsible for administrative and statutory functions relating to Land titles (freehold and crown lease), subdivisions and associations and birth, Deaths & Marriages.

The Department performs many functions provided by State level entities, which includes the registration of land titles; provision of a land valuation roll; association incorporation; registration of births deaths and marriages; liquor licensing; motor vehicle registration and licensing and other miscellaneous registrations. Photographic licenses for driver’s licenses and gun licenses are also issued from this office. It is also responsible for administration of Commonwealth legislation under the Marriage Act 1961 (Cth). There are also service agreements or arrangements entered into with various Commonwealth Departments for the provision of data.

The Registry of Lands, Births, Deaths and Marriages team can be contacted in regards to any of the above services within operational hours.

You can find a list of current Justices of the Peace by clicking this link: Justices of the Peace

Hours of Operation:

8:00am - 4:30pm

Contact Us:

Registry Office Council Bicentennial Complex
39 Taylors Rd, Burntpine, Norfolk Island
Phone: 6723 22001

Births, Deaths and Marriages

Records of Births, Deaths & Marriages commenced from June 1856 to the present day.

Enquiries can be made by mail to:

Registrar, Births, Deaths & Marriages for Norfolk Island
PO Box 95
Norfolk Island, 2899

Phone: +6723 22001


Getting Married on Norfolk Island

The Commonwealth of Australia Marriage Act 1961 extends to Norfolk Island. In addition, Norfolk Island has its own legislation in relation to Births, Deaths and Marriages.

To be legally married in Norfolk Island you must:

  • not be married to someone else
  • not be marrying a parent, grandparent, child, grandchild or sibling
  • be at least eighteen years old, unless a court has approved a marriage where one party is aged between sixteen and eighteen years old
  • understand what marriage means and freely consent to marrying
  • use specific words during the ceremony; and
  • give written notice of their intention to marry to their authorised celebrant within the required time frame

For more information regarding the requirements of getting married on Norfolk Island you may contact the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages.

Finding a celebrant

Only an authorised celebrant can legally perform your marriage. Authorised celebrants perform civil and religious ceremonies.

There are three kinds of authorised celebrants:

  • Commonwealth registered marriage celebrants who perform civil and religious ceremonies (for independent religious organisations).
  • Ministers of religion of a recognised denomination who perform religious ceremonies. These celebrants are regulated by state and territory registries of births, deaths and marriages and their respective religious organisation.
  • State and Territory officers who perform civil ceremonies. On Norfolk Island the Registrar and Deputy Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriages are authorised to solemnise marriages.

Commonwealth Registered Marriage Celebrants:

Karen Leanne Kensey
Rego: A17702
Phone: +6723 52266

The Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages:

Registry Office
Bicentennial Complex
39a Taylors Rd
Burnt Pine, Norfolk Island 2899
Phone: + 672 3 22001

More Information:

Australian Government Information
Australian Government Attorney-Generals Department
Notice of Intended Marriage


Uniting Church, Cascade Road
Phone: +6723 22179

Catholic Presbytery, Queen Elizabeth Ave
Phone: +6723 22763

Church of England, Headstone Road
Phone: +6723 22293

Jehovah's Witness, Grassy Road
Phone: +6723 23360

Seventh Day Adventist, New Cascade Road
Phone: +6723 22201