Native Vegetation

There are 182 recognised native plant species (of which about 25% are endemic) and at least a further 430 naturalised species on the Norfolk Island Group (Mills 2009a, Maynard et al. 2018). Forty-six plant species are listed as threatened plant species under the EPBC Act and 30 of these are endemic to Norfolk Island. There are also 13 plant species that are endemic to Norfolk Island and Phillip Island that are not listed under the EPBC Act. Follow the link below to find out more information about the native plant communities and vegetation mapping project(PDF, 969KB) completed in 2020.

Native vegetation

The Norfolk Island Regional Council regulates the removal of 36 protected native species under the Trees Act 1997 and the Tree Regulations 1999 (NI). See link below for a list of protected trees(PDF, 157KB).

To obtain a Norfolk Island Regional Council Tree Removal Permit please contact Customer Care on phone +6723 22244 or local freecall 0100 or email or follow the link to complete the Application to Take a Protected Tree(s) Form(PDF, 309KB).

Plant with purple flower

Native Vegetation Mapping Project

There are 180 native plant species (of which about 25 per cent are endemic) and a further 370 naturalised species on the Norfolk Island Group (Mills 2009). However, prior to 2020, there was no comprehensive, island-wide description or map of the native plant communities present. The Norfolk Island Vegetation Mapping Project commenced in 2018 and sought to produce island-wide vegetation maps of Norfolk Island: one showing current native plant communities and another showing the native plant communities predicted to have been present in 1750.

Plants of Norfolk Island

Acknowledgements and description of the Norfolk Island Vegetation Mapping Project

Funding for this report was provided by the Norfolk Island Regional Council. The information was obtained as part of a project by the Invasive Species Council and TierraMar, funded by the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation through the Eldon and Anne Foote Trust.

Field surveys, analysis and mapping were conducted by Naomi Christian and Dr Kevin Mills and supported by the Norfolk Island Regional Council, Parks Australia and many generous volunteers and landholders. A detailed technical report describing the methodology used to describe the vegetation communities and map their location in 1750 and 2020 is available from the Invasive Species Council on request.
