Workers Compensation

Gallagher Bassett commences service to support Norfolk Island Workers Compensation Scheme.

On the 4th of January 2021, Gallagher Bassett Services (GB) commenced management of the Norfolk Island Workers Compensation Program, working with the NIRC Workers Compensation Office to support the Island's business community and workers through the changes.

Your existing workers compensation policy remains in place.

GB will be introducing online Scheme Membership registration and payment of Fees (formerly called Levy), providing employers the opportunity to complete and process forms and payments from their office or mobile device.

Gallagher Bassett is asking all employers to provide updated contact details by emailing

Please send your:

  • Policy Number
  • Company Name
  • Email Address
  • Telephone
  • Primary Contact

Gallagher Bassett have set up two toll free numbers for Norfolk Island, they are 1300 975 609 and 1800 161 287.

When dialling these numbers, please dial exactly as listed, do not put the international dial code for Australia in front of the number or you will be charged for an international call.

More information is available on the Norfolk Island Workers Compensation web page.

May 2020 Workers compensation scheme transition UPDATED FACT SHEET(PDF, 282KB)