Grants Program

Tertiary Education Bursary Program Guidelines

The Norfolk Island Regional Council (NIRC) acknowledges the key role that education and training provide in building a strong and empowered future for the Norfolk Island community.

The Tertiary Education Bursary Program recognises that accredited tertiary and vocational studies are not readily available on Norfolk Island. This Program funding is established to assist with the cost of travel to the mainland and/or study expenses for enrolled students.

Assistance is paid annually as a lump sum of $600 towards a return airfare and $500 for textbook and course-associated expenses; this funding is only available for a maximum of four years. Students studying locally, who are not required to travel off-island to attend classes, are unable to claim the travel component of the Program.

The Program applies to tertiary education in a nationally accredited vocational course, this includes courses delivered by TAFE’s, Universities, Apprenticeships or other registered training organisations.

The objective of the Program is to encourage young adults to develop their skills to improve their prospects for employment. Adults already in the workforce who wish to upskill or seek formal qualifications for an existing competency are also eligible to apply.

Before applying, it is important that you read the Program guidelines that are available at the bottom of this page carefully.

If you have any questions, contact Customer Care on local free call 0100 or 22001. You can also email your queries to

Community Strategic Plan Grant Program Guidelines

The Community Strategic Plan Grant Program supports initiatives that deliver a range of social, cultural and economic benefits to the community of Norfolk Island. The program provides financial support to local community groups, organisations and clubs to facilitate the delivery of community projects and events.
The Council’s Community Strategic Plan 2016-2026 has six (6) key strategic directions. Applications for funding under this grant program are required to meet one (1) of the six (6) directions.

  1. An Environmentally Sustainable community
  2. A Proud, Diverse and Inclusive community
  3. A Caring community
  4. A Successful and Innovative community
  5. An Informed and Accountable community
  6. A Healthy and Safe community.

Proposed projects should align with the objectives outlined in the Community Strategic Plan, to:

  • use and manage our resources wisely.
  • preserve a healthy environment.
  • maintain cultural expression.
  • protect our built heritage.
  • work together and build successful partnerships.
  • ensure that Norfolk Island is a great and safe place to live and visit.
  • build a strong, diverse and vibrant business environment and a skilled workforce.
  • ensure an informed community and transparency in decision making.
  • promote active and healthy residents; and
  • deliver a focused and coordinated approach to health care.

Funding for this grant is established through Council’s annual budget process. Funding for each project grant is up to a maximum of $5,000.

Before applying, it is important that you read the Program guidelines that are available at the bottom of this page carefully.

If you have any questions, contact Customer Care on local free call 0100 or 22001. You can also email your queries to