Customer Care
The Customer Care Team is based in the Bicentennial Complex at 39 Taylors Road, Burnt Pine, they provide a number of services to the community.
At Customer Care you can:
- pay a Council account i.e. telephone, electricity and rates notices
- register your motor vehicle
- register for a phone line and ADSL
- purchase a SIM card or internet 'HotSpot' data and, top-up your phone
- book Rawson Hall or the Supper Room for an event
- lodge your Council forms i.e. pasturage application, dog licence, sale of food licence application
- lodge your rates application forms i.e. pensioner concession application, change in category application
- purchase items such as sand and crushed rock
- pay rates, electricity, telecom and lighterage charges
- hire Council equipment
- read the Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes
- ask for directory assistance for local landline and mobile phone numbers.
Customer Care will try and respond to any email enquiries directly. If the team is unable to answer your inquiry they will pass this to another member of staff within Council to respond. When your inquiry is passed to another staff member, it is loaded into a Customer Resolution Management (CRM) system and you will receive a confirmation of this by email. You can check the progress of your CRM by phoning Customer Care with the reference number provided in the email.
You can provide feedback on services delivered by Council by:
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm (closed on Public Holidays)
Contact Us
Bicentennial Complex
39 Taylors Rd, Burnt Pine, Norfolk Island
Telephone: local callers can contact Customer Care for free by dialing 0100,
international callers should use +672 3 22244 option 1
Customer Service Charter