FOI Disclosure Log

Information released under the Freedom of Information Act, as per section 8(2)(g) and 11C of the Act, is listed (where possible) in the disclosure table below. Some documents, due to their size or their format, may not be able to be listed in the table. Should you wish to access these documents, please contact the FOI Officer to request a copy.

Documents not included in the disclosure list are those which:

  • have been released under the FOI Act which contain personal or business information and, which would be unreasonable to publish
  • access has been refused or, which are exempt from release under the FOI Act
  • have been released outside the FOI Act
  • are already publicly available

To contact the FOI Officer email

The NIRC FOI disclosure log, shown in reverse chronological order.

FOI Reference Number Date of Access FOI Request Information Published in the Disclosure Log
FOI 915/2024


 06/12/2024 Analysis/reports/recommendations relating to the costs of funding the connection of Norfolk Island to an undersea cable; and analysis/reports/recommendations relating to the benefits of funding the connection of Norfolk Island to an undersea cable eg being able to attract investment in Data Centres. Norfolk Island Regional Council Connectivity GWI 09 June 2020 V1.0(PDF, 2MB)


FOI 959/2024 18/07/2024 Documents pertaining toSewerage Easement on portion 39p, Taylors Road, Norfolk Island
  1. Document A - Pump Station Condition Assessment(PDF, 106KB)
  2. Document B – General Issues – RSL SPS Extract(PDF, 225KB)
  3. Document C - Pump Station Readings - RSL SPS(PDF, 253KB)
951/2024 21/06/2024 Documents in relation to the importation and storage of explosives, and drilling and blasting at Youngs Road Quarry.
  1. Document no. 1 (Notice of Decision on Development Application for a Declared Significant Development (including Attachment A - Planning Assessment Report)219(PDF, 3MB)
  2. Document no. 2 (Appendix D “Blast Design” to the Environmental Impact Statement that accompanied the Development Application)(2200810.1)(PDF, 4MB)
  3. Document no. 3 (Appendix E “Blast Management Plan” to the Environmental Impact Statement that accompanied the Development Application)(2200800.1)(PDF, 1MB)
840/2023 20/03/2023 Document (instrument) which states that Norfolk Island Regional Council owns Taylors Road, Norfolk Island and the Norfolk Island Regional Council has the authority to reseal Taylors Road, Norfolk Island.
  1. Land Transfer Document (Cth) June 2016 Redacted(PDF, 312KB)
725/2022 11/10/2022 GM and NIRC Administrator Travel Documents FY 2020/21 and 2021/22
  1. Statement in relation to travel expenses_Redacted(PDF, 140KB)
756/2022 24/08/2022 Documents which define Norfolk Island Regional Council as a government
  1. FOI 756 2022 - Document for Release in full - F2016L00721ES(PDF, 340KB)
  2. FOI 756 2022 - Document for release in full - Norfolk Island Regional Council Declaration Ordinance(PDF, 516KB)
FOI 424/2021 20/01/2022 Council Electricity debtors balance
  1. 424 2021 - Document No. 1 (Partial Access)(PDF, 516KB)
  2. 424 2021 - Document No. 2 (Partial Access)(PDF, 52KB)
  3. 424 2021 - Document No. 3 (Partial Access)(PDF, 51KB)
FOI 409/2021 20/01/2022 ICT Report of Councils network performance
  1. NIRC Letter to Chamber re partial release of documents - FOI Request 409 2021(PDF, 250KB)
467/2021 02/12/2021 NIRC newsletter printing and postage costs
  1. 467 2021 Document No. 1 (Partial Access)(PDF, 143KB)
  2. 467 2021 Document No. 2 (Partial Access)(PDF, 142KB)
  3. 467 2021 - Document No. 3 (Partial Access)(PDF, 2MB)
  4. 467 2021 - Document No. 4 (Partial Access)(PDF, 2MB)
FOI 412/2021 26/11/2021 Potential for contaminated water hyacinth from Watermill Dam (PFAS)
  1. FOI 412 2021 - Document No. 1_Redacted(PDF, 647KB)
  2. FOI 412 2021 - Document No. 2_Redacted(PDF, 98KB)
FOI 425/2021 25/11/2021 Emails from the General Manager to all NIRC staff between 13 September 2021 and 1 October 2021
  1. FOI 425 2021 - Document No. 1(PDF, 79KB)
  2. FOI 425 2021 - Document No. 2(PDF, 65KB)
FOI 421/2021 25/11/2021 Agreement between NIRC and GWI as reported at the ordinary Council Meeting 9 June 2021 - Telecommunications (TBE)
  1. 421 2021 - Full access document 1. Consultation document - NIRC - Assess alternative arrangements for Telco business v0.1 - GWI(PDF, 240KB)
FOI 413/2021 25/11/2021 Water and Wastewater Monitoring
  1. FOI 413 2021 - Partial Access Document - NEW_Environment tests(PDF, 50KB)
  2. FOI 413 2021 - Partial Access Document - Beach Monitoring(PDF, 39KB)
FOI 391/2021 10/11/2021 Savings to be achieved by December 2021
  1. Partial release document - 391 2021_Redacted(PDF, 90KB)
FOI 314/2021 14/09/2021 Rawson Hall Trust Deed
  1. RawsonHallTrust(Abolition)Act1989(PDF, 24KB)
  2. CoC FOI Request 314 2021 - Redacted Gazette Notice 24 August 1989(PDF, 2MB)
  3. CoC FOI request 314 2021 Redacted Documents Norfolk Island Public Hall Ordinance 1951 - 1953(PDF, 342KB)
FOI 407-2020 04/12/2020 Delay to Council Elections
  1. 2020_10_30 Mayor Ltr to Hon Nola Marino_Redacted(PDF, 279KB)
  2. NIRC - Draft Content of Letter to Minister_Redacted(PDF, 194KB)
FOI 273-2020 04/11/2020 Security Cameras on Middlegate Road
  1. FOI 273 2020 - Security Cameras on Middlegate - Email for Release_Redacted(PDF, 309KB)
FOI 246-2020 21/07/2020 Councils SDA agreement with the Commonwealth
  1. FOI 246-2020 Documents Relating to the SDA Funding(PDF, 224KB)
FOIR 3820182019 13/06/2019 GHD Report – Norfolk Island Regional Council – Norfolk Island Airport – airside pavement inspection – February 2017
  1. GHD NI AP Pavement Inspection Feb 2017(PDF, 2MB)
FOIR 3720182019 13/06/2019 GHD Report – Norfolk Island Regional Council – Norfolk Island Airport – airside pavement inspection – February 2017
  1. GHD NI AP Pavement Inspection Feb 2017(PDF, 2MB)
FOIR 2720182019 06/05/2019 Population and Planning on Norfolk Island - Report No. 1: Overview of the Norfolk Island Plan (Alan McNeil) Planning Officer - 3 May 2011
  1. Population and Planning on Norfolk Island - Report No1 - Population and Sustainability Issues - May 2011(PDF, 2MB)
FOIR 2720182019 06/05/2019 Population and Planning on Norfolk Island – Report No. 2: Population and Sustainability Issues (Alan McNeil) Planning Officer - 29 August 2011 (22 pages)
  1. Population and Planning on Norfolk Island - Report No2 - Population and Sustainability Issues - August 2011(PDF, 7MB)