Our Complaints Process

The Norfolk Island Regional Council recognises that there are occasions where complaints may arise against Council services or employees by members of the public or other organisations.

Clear guidelines and procedures have been developed to ensure that complaints are investigated in a professional manner within a reasonable timeframe, and that the service area or employees are given the opportunity to respond to complaints made against them.

Complaints should be submitted in writing using the prescribed forms and directed by email to Council's Complaints Officer

Complaints about a decision or action taken by a statutory officer under a particular law can be made to Council, however, in some cases the legislation may have a separate defined process for seeking review or, for appealing a decision or action taken. In this instance the Complaints Officer can advise you of the steps to take to lodge your complaint.

Complaints about employment (other than workers compensation) should be directed to the Fair Work Ombudsman and Fair Work Commission in Australia.

The Workers Compensation Scheme, previously delivered by the Council, is now administered by Gallagher Bassett.