Fees and Charges

Fees and charges are set by the Council on a yearly basis and are adopted by Councillors as part of the Operational Plan. The fees and charges schedule sets out the rates and charges which Council will charge for the various services it provides for the financial year.

Fees and charges fall into one of two categories: legislated fees and non-legislated fees. Legislated fees are determined by an Act or other legal instrument. Non legislated fees are charges that aim to recover the cost to the Council of a service delivered, unless it is agreed by Council to subsidise the service for example, Library services.

Prior to adoption by Councillors the Operational Plan is placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days to allow for the public to make submissions.

Council fees and charges may be amended throughout the year by resolution of Council.

NIRC-Fees-and-Charges-2024-25(PDF, 3MB)